  • Psychiatric hospitals, or “mental hospitals”, are facilities that house individuals who are experiencing loss of their mental faculties.
  • Untreated conditions that, under the wrong circumstances, may require psychiatric hospitalization vary, but can include schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, depression, and others.
  • Signs of concerning mental health symptoms include disassociation, suicidal ideation, thoughts of violence, hallucinations, and delusional thoughts.
  • Depressive episodes, if untreated, may require hospitalization in particular due to the risk of suicidality and self-harming behaviors.
  • Untreated, many mental health conditions can create serious obstacles to daily functioning and overall well-being. Talking to a therapist or psychiatric provider at the first sign of an issue can help prevent someone from ever needing to be hospitalized.

For those searching for the “signs you need to go to a mental hospital”, chances are, you’re not feeling like yourself at the moment. Perhaps you’re experiencing extreme amounts of stress, depression, or anger.

These aren’t easy emotions to cope with, even under the best of circumstances. Thankfully, determining the signs you need to go to a mental hospital can help you understand what course of action to take. 

If you’re at risk of harming yourself or others, please get immediate help: Call 911 or 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

 Find out more below.  

What Mental Illnesses Can You Be Hospitalized for?

Some of the most common mental health disorders which can lead to hospitalization includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Not everyone requires hospitalization simply because they’re suffering from a mental health condition. In many cases, a person may be hospitalized if they are experiencing PTSD, psychosis, and trauma-related disorders and need immediate help with stabilizing their mind and body.

Additionally, if someone is experiencing a suicidal crisis and needs help staying safe, hospitalization can be the most effective course of action. Hospitalization may also be helpful for those struggling with substance use disorders and necessary for those at risk of potentially lethal detox.

Often, it is only safe to detox from substances with a medical professional to ensure the body is able to safely function, without causing life-threatening risks to the body.  

What Are the 5 Signs of Mental Illness?

There aren’t usually “5” specific signs of mental illness that mental health professionals are looking for—but instead, there are many symptoms, including many you can look for on your own to determine the signs you need to go to a mental health hospital. One of the primary factors to address first is your level of functioning. 

Level of functioning means asking, “Does this problem (your mental health symptoms) seem to affect the way I live my day-to-day life? Does it get in the way of my ability to function to the best of my ability?” 

If you feel as though your ability to function is severely limited, to the point you believe you need immediate help, then hospitalization could offer relief and safety. Some signs of mental illness that may warrant hospitalization include: 

  • Detaching from self (disassociation)
  • Sudden changes in thinking patterns such as confused thinking or difficulty concentrating
  • Racing thoughts 
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Impulsive behavior such as excessive spending or risk-taking behavior 
  • Detachment from reality (delusions) 
  • Paranoia or hallucinations 
  • Excessive anger, hostility, or violence
  • Inability to cope with day-to-day problems or stress
  • Problems with alcohol or substances 
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What Are the Signs You Need to Go to a Mental Hospital for Depression?

A mental health emergency is a life-threatening situation in which an individual is threatening immediate harm to self or others, is severely disoriented or out-of-touch with reality, or is otherwise out of control. Signs that you need to go to a behavioral health hospital for depression may include experiencing: 

What Happens If My  Mental Health Goes Untreated?

Not all mental health concerns require hospitalization. But If you’re struggling and your mental health continues to go untreated, this could mean poorer quality of life, or even physical or psychological harm to yourself or others. 

If serious problems with your mental health persist untreated, this might manifest as:

  • Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships 
  • Use of alcohol or substances as a means of coping, which may turn into a full-blown addiction or alcohol use disorder
  • Depressive disorders
  • Anxiety disorders 
  • Poor work performance
  • Reduced physical health
  • Reduced sleep quality or sleep disorders
  • Suicidal ideation
  • And many other issues

A good rule of thumb is to treat your mental health just as you would your physical health. If you see a physician annually for your physical check-up, why not do a mental health check-up to ensure things are going well? 

And if you find yourself struggling to control intrusive, frightening thoughts, or feel as though you are experiencing or seeing things that aren’t real—don’t keep it to yourself. Tell a trusted individual and reach out for professional help.