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5 clear signs Wellbutrin is working for you

5 clear signs Wellbutrin is working for you

When you’re managing depression or anxiety, starting a medication like Wellbutrin (medical name bupropion) can come with mixed emotions. You might feel hopeful about the potential for relief, but it’s easy to feel anxious and wonder if it will actually make a difference. It’s natural to keep tabs on how you’re feeling when you start an antidepressant, but how can you know for sure that things are improving?

Monitoring your progress is essential to determining if a medication is the right fit. The signs Wellbutrin is working are often subtle at first, but over time, you might notice meaningful improvements in your sleep, energy levels, mood, and overall mental health. 

Here’s a look at how you might feel when you start taking this medication, including signs Wellbutrin is working, the impact in the short and long term, and side effects to be aware of.

What Does It Feel Like When Wellbutrin Starts Working?

You might notice signs Wellbutrin is working the first week you begin taking it. People can tend to feel a bit perkier, like their energy levels have been increased. You might experience more motivation or a boost in your mood. You may also find yourself thinking more clearly or feeling less weighed down by everyday tasks.

Your physical well-being may also improve when Wellbutrin starts working. For example, bedtime might get a little easier—according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), sleep tends to improve within a week or two of starting Wellbutrin. 

These early improvements are encouraging signs that Wellbutrin is working for you. With that being said, you will probably see this initial burst of energy and positive mood level out within a couple of weeks as your body adjusts. Over time, you’ll likely notice a balance in your mood, energy, and interest in activities you once enjoyed.

What Are the Positive Effects of Wellbutrin?

Wellbutrin can bring a range of improvements to your physical and mental health. You may notice a difference in how you feel day-to-day within just a few days of starting the treatment. Here are some of the positive effects of Wellbutrin:

  • Stabilized sleep
  • Higher energy levels
  • Improved mood
  • Renewed interest in hobbies
  • Easier ability to socialize
  • Less daytime fatigue
  • Improved concentration
  • Easier ability to focus
  • Reduced symptoms of nicotine withdrawal

What Are the Signs Wellbutrin Is Working for You?

No two people will have the same experience while taking a medication, and with that, your body may take more or less time than the average to adjust. While some people notice changes within a week or two, others might need several weeks to feel the full effects. The key is to practice patience, stay in touch with your doctor during treatment, and pay attention to the subtle shifts that could signal progress. 

Here are five clear signs that Wellbutrin is working for you:

1. Your moods and emotions are uplifted.

Depression can have a significant impact on your mood, making you feel persistently sad, empty, hopeless, irritable, numb, & more. One of the clearest signs Wellbutrin is working is when these heavy emotions start to lift. You might notice moments of relief—feeling more hopeful about the future, experiencing joy in small things, or simply feeling more like yourself again. Your friends and family may even remark that you seem to be doing better. These positive shifts, even if subtle at first, are a good indication that the medication is taking effect.

2. Your sleep improves.

Sleep disturbances are common among those with a major depressive disorder (MDD). For some, that might show up as sleeping too much, while others might struggle with insomnia. Stabilized sleep can be a sign that Wellbutrin is working, though.

The medication affects how the body produces certain neurotransmitters—norepinephrine and dopamine—both of which have a role in sleep health. Once you start taking Wellbutrin, you might notice you can drift off more easily once bedtime rolls around and stay asleep throughout the night. You might also feel more alert and ready to start the day when you wake up.

3. You have more energy.

Depression has a way of sapping energy. But that debilitating fatigue often starts to go away when you start taking Wellbutrin. You might feel more up to attending social events and making friendly conversation with colleagues at work. Your to-do list might seem more manageable, or maybe you’re more motivated to exercise, whether that’s by taking a walk, doing a yoga class, or hitting the gym. 

All of these activities can also work to further help treat depression. Exercise, for example, can release endorphins that counteract the symptoms of depression, and research shows that loneliness is linked with depression in young adults, so increasing social connections may help improve your mental health. 

4. You can concentrate and focus more easily.

Unlike selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which can sometimes interfere with concentration, Wellbutrin can have a positive effect on your attention span. This medication may counteract the cognitive challenges caused by depression, making it easier to focus on tasks at work or school and stay present in your personal life. Many people report sharper concentration and improved mental clarity.

These cognitive benefits are also one reason doctors sometimes prescribe Wellbutrin off-label to treat ADHD. While this use is not officially approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Wellbutrin’s ability to enhance focus and attention can make it a helpful option for managing symptoms of both depression and ADHD.

5. You start to enjoy your favorite activities again.

One of the clearest signs Wellbutrin is working is when the activities you once loved start bringing you joy again. Depression can take away the pleasure you experience from hobbies and interests, causing you to abandon them altogether. 

However, as the medication kicks in, you might feel the drive to return to the activities you used to enjoy. Maybe you pick up your cherished guitar that’s been gathering dust in your bedroom or take a hike on one of your favorite trails. Even something small, like reading a few pages from your favorite novel, can be an indicator that this is an effective treatment for your depression.

How Do You Know If Wellbutrin Is Not Working for You?

Wellbutrin doesn’t work for everyone. In some cases, you may need to switch from an immediate-release version of the medication to a sustained-release or extended-release tablet, or take a different depression medication altogether. Even small adjustments in your dosage can change how well it works for you, so check in regularly with your doctor throughout your treatment.

In rare cases, Wellbutrin can cause serious side effects, including:

  • Seizures
  • Heart problems (such as rapid heartbeat, chest pain, or pounding in your chest)
  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • Irrational fears
  • Skin problems (including rash, blisters, hives, or itching)
  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • Fever
  • Swelling in the face, mouth, hands, legs, ankles, or feet

It’s important to be mindful of any side effects, as they could signal that this medication isn’t the best option for you. Some of these side effects can be dangerous, so if you experience any of these symptoms, seek emergency care right away.

How Should You Feel on Wellbutrin?

If Wellbutrin is working, you should feel relief from symptoms of depression. You might feel like it takes the edge off of things or lifts a dark cloud from your emotional state. Overall, people on Wellbutrin generally feel more energized, emotionally balanced, and interested in hobbies and fun activities again. 

If you’ve taken Wellbutrin regularly for a few weeks to a month and don’t see any improvements in your symptoms or overall mood, speak with your provider about increasing your dosage or the possibility of switching medications for your depression.

  • Medical writer
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  • 3 sources
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Kate Hanselman, PMHNP-BCBoard-Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
See Kate's availability

Kate Hanselman is a board-certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP-BC). She specializes in family conflict, transgender issues, grief, sexual orientation issues, trauma, PTSD, anxiety, behavioral issues, and women’s issues.

Dr. Scott Gordon headshot.
Scott Gordon, M.D.Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Scott Gordon is Thriveworks’ Senior Medical Director. He ensures that the mental health services provided are both safe and effective. In addition, Dr. Gordon provides strong, inspiring medical leadership to the health care professionals at Thriveworks and oversees daily operations.

Author picture for Joni Sweet
Joni SweetFreelance Writer

Joni Sweet is a seasoned writer, editor, and content strategist. She brings an intense dedication to excellence and a deep well of journalistic experience when reporting stories for publications and crafting content for brands.

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  • Bupropion (Wellbutrin). (2024). NAMI.

  • Matthews, T., Danese, A., Wertz, J., Odgers, C. L., Ambler, A., Moffitt, T. E., & Arseneault, L. (2016). Social isolation, loneliness and depression in young adulthood: a behavioural genetic analysis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 51(3), 339–348.

  • Popovic, D., Vieta, E., Fornaro, M., & Perugi, G. (2014). Cognitive tolerability following successful long term treatment of major depression and anxiety disorders with SSRi antidepressants. Journal of Affective Disorders, 173, 211–215.

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