Feelings & Emotions

Election depression: Managing feelings of despair and hopelessness during and after the election

Election season is—and always has been—stressful. So stressful, in fact, that Couples Therapist Steven Stosny created the term “election stress disorder,” which describes a state of complete and utter stress caused by the election. Think: Smear campaigns on both sides of the political aisle, nonstop news alerts, social media feuds,…

Missing the tailgates and cheering from the stands? College football fans are taking a hard hit this season

As soon as talk about a looming global pandemic swept across the States, everyone took a hard, isolated hit. For fans of sports teams, this was an especially hard transition in a unique way. Most major sports seasons were halted or altered—which meant that fans of these sports teams weren’t…

Online Counseling Question: How do I stop being jealous and insecure in my relationship? (Video)

Click here to schedule online counseling at Thriveworks. Hi, my name is Dr. Sheila Campbell and I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor with Thriveworks in Decatur, Georgia. Thank you for this opportunity to answer a question posed by a community member. The question that I’m answering today is, “How do I…

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