- Dreams can be puzzling and cause us to question their root cause — especially if they’re violent and keep us up at night.
- As it turns out, there are several common causes of violent dreams, including the fear of violence.
- Another common source of violent dreams is thinking about violence (especially before bed); did you just watch a violent movie or video game? Your brain may be processing these violent acts.
- Starting a new medication can alter the biochemistry in your brain, leading to violent or otherwise strange dreams.
- Finally, your violent dreams could be rooted in a traumatic experience: If you were exposed to violence in your childhood, you’re more likely to have these violent dreams throughout your lifetime.
Have you ever startled awake, wondering, “Why are my dreams so violent?” Maybe you had a dream about a creepy clown chasing you, insisting on giving you a shot. Maybe you dreamt about getting in a violent fight with someone you know. Whatever it might be, a scary or violent dream can feel unsettling and leave you wondering about its meaning. From processing recent experiences to buried past trauma, the causes of violent dreams can be complex. In this article, we’ll explore why violent dreams may occur and what they might be trying to tell you.

Why Do I Have Violent Dreams?
Have you ever wondered what your dreams mean? To understand the meaning of your violent dreams, it’s important to first identify their root cause. Each potential trigger can provide valuable insight into why your dreams are violent and what they might be trying to convey. Consider the following potential causes:
1. You are processing a specific fear.
“Our worst fears often show up in our dreams,” Licensed Psychologist Dr. Chris Cortman tells us. For example, “Men who are afraid of going bald will lose their hair time and again in their dreams. People who are afraid of getting lost will lose their way in their dreams,” he says. “I used to strike out, drop passes, and miss free throws in my dreams because of my love of athletics and fear of failure. People are frequently exposed to violence on TV and in movies and are very afraid of such. There is a real possibility that this fear will surface in their dreams.”
Think about the contents of your violent dream — are they reflective of a fear you have in real life? For example, if you’re having violent dreams about being kidnapped, you might have a deep-seated fear of being kidnapped. The same goes for violent dreams about a car accident, an animal attack, and other violent content.
2. Violence is on your mind.
You might be having violent dreams simply because violence is on your mind. “When it comes to dreams, always remember that they are born from the material inside the dreamer’s head. That is, I will never dream about your uncle Stephen, and you will never dream about my first-grade teacher, Ms. Davis,” Cortman explains. “That said, dreams are a way of taking unnecessary material from our minds and bringing it to the curb to be tossed out. Before that happens, it is very likely that things that have nothing to do with one another will be thrown in the same blender and come out together.”
So, another possible explanation for dreaming about being kidnapped is you’ve been watching or reading a lot of true crime lately. It’s top of mind, and your brain is still processing that content.
3. You’re on a new medication.
Another lesser-known cause of aggressive or violent dreams is medication. “Medications can definitely contribute to violent dreams. I remember patients telling me when they got on a brand-new antidepressant, they dreamed that they angrily drove somebody over in their car,” says Cortman. “Medications alter the biochemistry of the brain and therefore can influence dreams.”
4. You’re grappling with trauma.
Finally, your violent dreams might be rooted in trauma. It’s common to have nightmares about traumatic experiences, making it difficult to sleep at night. This trauma might go as far back as childhood.
“Violence can occur in someone’s dreams because they have been exposed to violence in their childhood: watching dad hit mom in a drunken rage, etc. People from rough neighborhoods may have a lot of dreams of violence because they were exposed to the sound of gunfire and screaming in their neighborhoods,” Cortman explains. “Whatever has not been digested may repeat on you. That’s true for the stomach, but also for the mind.”
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What Do Violent Dreams Mean?
Understanding why you are having violent dreams — be it from experiencing or viewing violence, dealing with trauma, changing your medication, or something else — is often the best indicator of what your violent dreams mean. If you have just watched a violent movie and you then have a violent dream, for example, the meaning behind that dream might be a bit obvious. But if you can’t put your finger on why you’ve had a violent dream, or why you are having recurring dreams that feel intense or scary, it can mean that you are subconsciously processing feelings or events you haven’t fully dealt with in your waking life.
While violent dreams may feel perplexing or uncomfortable, they can be a productive way to hone in on what you need to work through. It can be helpful to seek therapy to guide you to the root cause of your violent dreams. From there, you can draw meaning from them and get curious about how metaphors, images, or feelings you are experiencing and might relate to situations in your past or present. Ultimately, the meaning behind violent dreams varies, but they often signal inner conflict, fear, or emotional tension that your brain is trying to work through.
How to Deal with Violent Dreams
Remember, it’s normal to have violent and/or disturbing dreams — especially if one or more of the above rings true for you. “Try not to dwell on them or worry about them too much during waking hours,” says Emily Simonian, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). “Similar to intrusive thoughts, recognize that their occurrence is something that happens from time to time as you’re processing something, and let thoughts about the dreams come and go if you can.”
Final Thoughts
Violent dreams can be unsettling, but understanding their potential causes can help demystify their meaning. Whether they stem from unresolved fears, recent exposure to violent content, medication side effects, or past trauma, these dreams are often your mind’s way of processing emotions and experiences. While they can be disturbing, remember that violent dreams are a natural part of your brain’s way of working through complex feelings. If your violent dreams persist or affect your sleep, it may be worth exploring these underlying factors further with a mental health professional.