Q: I have a friend who always borrows money but never pays me back. He tells me I’m wrong and am being selfish, but I am tired of lending. A: Hi there, I am sorry to hear you are having a difficult time with this friend. The first word that…
Men are often stereotyped as unemotional, cold, or even scared of commitment when it comes to settling down in romantic relationships. But science seems to indicate otherwise; recent results from a study published this year found that across three different continents and multiple cultures, men tend to profess their love…
Click here to schedule online counseling at Thriveworks. Hi, my name is Dr. Sheila Campbell and I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor with Thriveworks in Decatur, Georgia. Thank you for this opportunity to answer a question posed by a community member. The question that I’m answering today is, “How do I…