
How mental health can affect relationships—and when to seek professional help

Relationships can be tough enough to navigate without one or both partners suffering from faltering mental health. While it’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the thought of identifying and understanding mental health dynamics in a relationship, it’s very doable.  A great first step is to practice mindfulness skills and strategies,…

The complex relationship between depression and sleep: Insights and solutions

Depression has many noticeable symptoms, including feelings of hopelessness, changes in appetite, and difficulty concentrating. One of the more impactful depression symptoms is sleep disturbances. Those struggling with depression may sleep too much or not enough, and these sleep disturbances can exacerbate other depression symptoms. Read on to learn more…

Understanding depression counseling: Expert insights and support

Depression refers to a cluster of symptoms which might include low mood, lack of enjoyment and motivation, sleep and appetite changes, feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness, and even thoughts of death. These interfere with functioning and are likely to cause physical, cognitive, and behavioral changes. As such, it’s important to seek…

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